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Top 10 Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashes by Make in Connecticut

Here's what you need to know...
  • When a fatal car crash occurs, one of the most common contributing factors is distracted driving
  • Reducing the potential for loss by removing distractions can help you remain focused on driving
  • Although any vehicle can be in an accident, some makes of vehicles are more commonly involved
  • You can choose to purchase a safer car, follow safety guidelines and posted signs, and remove distractions to reduce your risk
  • Additionally, carrying the right car insurance can help you recover quickly when a loss occurs while covering other drivers sharing the road with you
Distracted drivers contribute to several car accidents and related fatalities, more than many people realize.

In August of 2017, a two car collision in the evening led to three individuals being injured and taken to the hospital for treatment, including a 10-year-old that was in critical condition. Additionally, the drivers of both vehicles were pronounced dead at the scene.

While the police are still investigating the cause of the accident, it’s easy to see just how quickly a simple drive can turn into a significant source of concern, even leading to loss of life and injuries to multiple people that are not behind the wheel.

Fatalities can occur when the accident occurs, classified as a sudden death fatal car crash, or any time after the crash occurs, categorized as an eventual death fatal car accident. Any fatality is an upsetting occurrence, and they are often linked to different causes.

Sudden death fatalities occur immediately after the crash, and these are normally linked with excessive speeds, reckless driving behaviors, and crashes between cars of different size. Make sure to use the free quote tool above to compare the best rates today!

Eventual death fatalities occur some time after the crash, and injuries or complications normally cause these as a result of the crash. These may not manifest for a period after the accident, and it can be difficult to identify the cause or origin when the event occurs.

Distracted Driving in Connecticut


Distracted driving is considered a high-risk activity regardless of your location, and it’s estimated to cause at least one in every ten fatal car crashes within the United States. Each time you operate your car and are distracted, the risk of being injured or involved in a fatal crash increase dramatically.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the compiled statistics they have for car crashes shows just how deadly distracted driving can be.

Their statistics show that 3,477 individuals passed away due to distracted driving accidents in 2015; this is roughly ten people each day passing away due to this events.

Connecticut experienced a 45 percent jump in fatal accidents in 2016, having 138 fatalities in the first six months of 2016. This was an increase above the national average in the United States, and one of the biggest factors is distracted driving.

Distracted driving can show up in different forms, each of which will impair your ability to drive safely and efficiently. Distracted driving can occur in a visual distraction, manual distraction, cognitive distraction, or a combination of these distractions.

Visual distractions may seem easy to balance while driving, but they can pull your visual focus from the road. This can include things like checking your mobile phone, turning around to look in the back seat, or reading a billboard.

Manual distractions are another common distraction and can include reaching into the glove box for an item, reaching behind you for something that’s been dropped, or trying to find a new radio station to enjoy. These distractions require your manual involvement, meaning your focus is split from managing the car.

Cognitive distractions are anything that can distract your mind from the task at hand, including a phone call, an upset child in your backseat, or even work-related stress.

These can all impair your ability to make the proper, logical choices while you’re driving.

Connecticut has shown an increased in distracted driving-related deaths of pedestrians during the first six months of 2016, showing a 33 percent increase over the same period in 2015. Many of these incidents have been linked to a distracted driver having their focus pulled from the roadway.

Top 10 Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashed in Connecticut

Connecticut - Top Ten Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashes by Make

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Any vehicle can get involved in a fatal car crash, so it’s crucial that you learn about the safety options your car provides. There are some vehicles you may choose to purchase that are more commonly involved in fatalities, and driving distracted only increases those chances.

Below are the top ten vehicles makes that have been involved in car crash fatalities in Connecticut.

#10  Volkswagen

Established: May 28, 1937
Vehicles Involved: 9

Often shortened to “VW,” this vehicle line was originally designed by the German Labour Front as cars for the people; Volkswagen even translates to “people’s car.” Since then, Volkswagen has been growing in automotive sales, being named the largest automotive maker in worldwide sales for 2016.

#9  Mazda

Established: January 30, 1920
Vehicles Involved: 10

The Mazda brand was originally designed after the company began producing three-wheeled trucks, and had the desire to produce more acceptable compact vehicles. Mazda has also shared partnerships with Ford and Toyota, both of which were used to expand the Mazda brand and explore new technologies.

#8  Jeep / Kaiser-Jeep / Willys-Jeep

Established: 1941
Vehicles Involved: 12

The iconic Jeep brand has changed names and hands over the years, but it’s managed to remain a popular consumer vehicle style. Initially popular during World War II and designed for use in the military, this company rolled out consumer models immediately following the war in 1945.

#7  Subaru

Established: July 15, 1953
Vehicles Involved: 13

This Japan-based automaker has grown in prominence and quickly grown into the global market through their quality vehicles; the long life of their vehicles is a key selling point. Subaru also uses the unique boxer engine, otherwise known as a flat engine, which is not a commonly used engine style.

#6  Dodge

Established: 1900
Vehicles Involved: 15

Dodge started out as one of the earliest independent American automakers before merging with another well-known automaker, Chrysler, in the late 1920s. Even after the changes and the merger, Dodge has remained one of the most popular and reliable consumer automaker brands.

#5  Toyota

Established: August 28, 1937
Vehicles Involved: 25

Toyota continues to be ranked highly among international automakers, currently the second largest automaker globally. Toyota has managed to surpass previous production marks, producing over 10 million vehicles annually.

#4  Datsun / Nissan

Established: December 26, 1933
Vehicles Involved: 26

Nissan has managed to be one of the more popular Japanese automakers, through their Nissan product line and the revival of the Datsun product line; Nissan also manufactures the popular Infiniti product line. Datsun was a discontinued product line for 25 years before being recently revived in 2013.

#3  Chevrolet

Established: November 3, 1911
Vehicles Involved: 28

Often referred to as a “Chevy,” this popular United States automotive manufacturer is a part of the General Motors product line. Remaining a top seller for over 100 years, Chevrolet vehicles were created, originally, to compete with the Model T in the 1920s.

#2  Ford

Established: June 16, 1903
Vehicles Involved: 38

One of the oldest American automakers, Ford has managed to maintain consistent growth for years, growing to the fifth-largest automotive manufacturer internationally and the second-largest within the United States. Ford also extends into luxury vehicles as the maker of the popular Lincoln product line.

#1  Honda

Established: September 24, 1948
Vehicles Involved: 41

Growing and expanding since 1948, Honda initially became popular for their motorcycle product lines. Since then, Honda has become the second largest Japanese automotive manufacturer and has expanded into the luxury vehicle market with the popular Acura brand.

7 Tips to Avoid Fatal Car Accidents in Connecticut

Connecticut law enforcement and public safety administrations take distracted driving seriously and want to make sure that the roadway is any driver’s primary focus.

Below are some simple but helpful safety tips that you can use to lower your chances of being involved in or causing a distracted driving accident.

  • Pull over if your children require assistance
  • Restrain or contain pets when necessary
  • Stop and pull over to read a map or directions
  • Make phone calls in designated safe zones or after pulling off the roadway
  • Always use hands-free mobile devices
  • Do not attempt to retrieve dropped or lost objects while driving
  • Do not engage in personal grooming or hygiene while driving

Remember, using mobile devices while behind the wheel is prohibited in Connecticut; the only exception being emergency situations where the driver may need to contact emergency services.

Comparison Shop for the Right Coverage

AdobeStock_61298662-1600x1600 (1)While car insurance does not prevent distracted driving events, it can help you and those involved recover if a loss occurs. Additionally, car insurance is considered a social responsibility, meaning it helps protect motorists you share the road with, and it’s a legal obligation.

Take the time to review your car insurance coverage at least twice a year, usually every six months, to make sure your insurance policy still meets your needs.

If your living situation, marital status, financial situation, or vehicle situation have changed, contact your insurance provider to adjust your policy appropriately.

Purchasing car insurance coverage in Connecticut means you will need to buy mandatory levels of coverage, and you’ll also have the option to choose from different optional coverage choices.

Mandatory coverage typically protects the motorists on the road with you, while optional coverage typically provides protection for you, your passengers, and your vehicle.

When you’re looking into your policy to review your coverage, you should consider other coverage quotes.

Doing so allows you to compare pricing and coverage options between multiple providers, and since each provider is different, you may find pricing and coverage plans that meet your needs better through another provider.

Additionally, you will want to look for discounts and other ways to reduce your premium costs during each review. This can be as simple as doing some research online or contacting your insurance provider to find out what they offer.

Drive Responsibly

Connecticut, like every other state, faces continued risks from distracted driving; every driver can do their part to reduce the potential for a distracted driving loss.

Law enforcement and public safety administrations continue to take steps to reduce the potential for accidents while implementing more effective safety practices for all drivers.

You can reduce the potential for a fatal car crash by avoiding distractions, reducing your speed to follow posted speed limits, and performing responsible driving actions while behind the wheel.

Additionally, your insurance provider may offer safe driver courses, and your local DMV may be able to recommend defensive driving lessons in your area.

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