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Top 14 Historic Landmarks in Connecticut

Here's what you need to know...
  • Connecticut, also known as the Land of Steady Habits, is located in the New England area of the northeastern United States
  • The state is known for New England history museums, famous inventors, forts, gardens, and popular preserved houses that are landmarks
  • The vehicle liability insurance has minimum requirements of 20/40/10 and it is an at-fault state
  • Travelling to Connecticut should be preceded by a car tune-up, repair, and insurance applicability research

Connecticut is the 29th state by the population in the U.S., with over 3.5 million people. It got its name from the largest river in the country, the Connecticut River, which basically divides it into two parts. Its capital, Hartford, is known as the capital city of insurance.

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In 1786, Connecticut ratified the new, present-day, Constitution. This made it the fifth state to the Union.

By producing weaponry for the wars, Connecticut overcame many issues such as the Great Depression of the 1930s. Some notable people who came from this state include:

  • George Bush, the 43rd President of the U.S.
  • J.P. Morgan, founder of the leading financial institution
  • Charles Goodyear, the inventor of vulcanized rubbers

Top 15 Historical Landmarks

#1 – Harriet Beecher Stowe Center

Admission: $14
Age: 146 years old

This is where the author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, Harriet Beecher Stowe, resided for 23 years. Located in the capital, the house serves as a museum whose purpose is protecting the legacy of this prominent writer.

Although it was officially declared a landmark in 2013, it has been “Historic Place” ever since 1970. Museum tours are offered or $14.

#2 – Hempstead House

Admission: $40
Age: 339 years old

Organized as a network of twelve properties around the state, Hempstead House offers tours of houses, gardens, art, and everything that showcases the beauty of New England’s history.

Prospective customers can obtain all access membership. These vary from an Individual option of $40 to a Director’s Circle package of $2,500. 

#3 – Florence Griswold Museum

Admission: $10 
Age: 200 years old

With one of the best American Impressionist paintings collection, this museum was opened to public in 2002. The house was built in 1817, and Florence Griswold resided in it for 87 years.

Examples of paintings offered are Black Bass by Gurdon Trumbull and the Fisher Boy by Edwin White. Those interested can get unlimited access for a $10 admission fee.

#4 – Fort Trumbull State Park

Admission: $67 family fee(up to 6 people)
Age: 240 years old

People who enjoy water are almost obligated to visit Fort Trumbull State Park. It was built as one of the many forts that were protecting the coastline during the 19th century.

Nowadays, it hosts many fishing competitions and events. The fee to enter is $67, which gives one a “passport” that allows a family of up to 6 to come in.

#5 – Weir Farm National Historic Site

Admission: Free
Age: 135 years old

Similar to Florence Griswold Museum, the Weir Farm is where many Impressionist artists are honored.

An interesting fact is that the original owner, J. Alden Weir, purchased a house for $10 in 1882. Also, there is no admission fee.

#6 – Roseland Cottage

Admission: $25 student membership fee; $50-60 adult membership fee
Age: 171 years old

Built by Henry and Lucy Bowen, the Roseland Cottage was an entertainment center for many influential figures of the 19th century.

Henry Bowen, a successful businessman, hosted multiple U.S. Presidents and provided the oldest indoor bowling alley in the country. Students can obtain $25 discounted memberships, while adults will pay around $50-60.

#7 – Castle Craig

Admission: Free
Age: 117 years old

People with active lifestyles might be curious about hiking that Connecticut offers. This is where Castle Craig comes into play.

Built over 100 years ago, it is located in Meriden where trails as long as 50 miles exist. The castle is one of the rare landmarks that are pet-friendly. As it is outdoors, there are no fees to enter.

#8 – Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum

Admission: $20
Age: 153 years old

With a state-of-the-art website, the Lockwood Matthews mansion is one of the best construction endeavors from the Victorian Era.

It was classified as a public park in 1941, and a landmark in 1971 after local residents saved it from demolition. Currently, it is a museum that one can visit for a $20 ticket.

#9 – Old State House

Admission: $6
Age: 225 years old

The Old State House might be the most notable landmark that the state has to offer. It was the location of the State government until 1878 and is presumed to be the oldest building in the nation.

Designed by Charles Bulfinch, it facilitates some interesting haunted stories that people have told over the years. Adults will have to pay a $6 entry fee, making this the cheapest attraction thus far.

#10 – Webb Deane Stevens Museum

Admission: $12
Age: 98 years old

Another multi-part landmark that offers different historical houses is Webb-Deane Stevens Museum. It allows people to attend tours in houses that carry all the essences of the 18th and 19th century.

To visit this site, which was accredited by the American Association of Museums, one will pay $12 entry charge.

#11 – Noah Webster House

Admission: $8
Age: 259 years old

The creator of the first American Dictionary, Noah Webster, was born and raised in the state of Connecticut.

Many years later, tourists can now enjoy his home as a landmark that offers tours, poetry reading sessions, kids events, and more. Admission is $8, however, many attractions are complementary.

#12 – Tapping Reeve House and Law School

Admission: Free
Age: 233 years old

College students visiting the state might be curious to see how higher education functioned in the 19th century. This is now possible, courtesy of Tapping Reeve House and Law School.

Visitors will experience the life of a student by undergoing many exhibits and role-playing activities. People are welcome to come in for free!

#13 – Butler-McCook Homestead

Admission: Free
Age: 235 years old

Continuing the list of houses that represent history, the Butler-McCook Homstead also offers dozens of gardens unlike anywhere else.

Riddled with colorful types of flowers, one can enjoy the in-house attractions after experiencing the garden. Like the previous one, this landmark is free of charge.

#14 – Prudence Crandall Museum

Admission: $20 membership fee
Age: 184 years old

One of the oldest schools to abolish segregation is located in the heart of Connecticut. In 1833, Prudence Crandall’s private school hosted “little misses of color”.

After experiencing harassment, Crandall closed her school soon afterward. Nonetheless, it remains a valuable piece of the American History, where people can obtain a membership for $20.

Driving in Connecticut

In Connecticut, the driver is expected to have the following minimum limits in their liability car insurance:

  • $20,000 for bodily injury, per person per accident
  • $40,000 for bodily injury, total per accident
  • $10,000 for property damage per accident

Those who do not meet these requirements in their policies might have to add coverage while traveling inside of the state.

Is Connecticut at-fault state?

Connecticut is a fault-based state, where one will be penalized for damages based on their responsibility in an accident. This means that people involved in an accident can file a claim with their insurance company, the at-fault driver’s insurance company, or go to court to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

Choosing the Right Coverage

Finding the appropriate policy goes well beyond the cost of each. The driver will need to analyze minimum limits, deductibles, applicability to other states, and a dozen more factors. Although the premium does matter, comparing companies solely based on cost can be detrimental to one’s driving safety and post-accident claims.

Also, shopping around frequently can help one obtain better rates. Statistically, insurance costs go down with age. This is also true of a long driving record. Thus, by avoiding accidents and staying with the same policy one might be overpaying, as other companies would have offered better deals.

The Trip

Upon deciding to visit Connecticut, a game-plan should be made. With many landmarks that were mentioned, one should choose their top picks to be visited.

Finding the best route to go by all of the necessary locations and getting one’s vehicle tuned up for the road is crucial. Repairing small issues, obtaining an emergency kid, and researching the state are all unavoidable duties if one is looking to have a positive experience.

After all, it might be hard to visit a dozen of beautiful landmarks with a malfunctioning vehicle that does not match the basic insurance requirements!

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